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Breast Reduction for Male

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Men could also have a problem with their large breasts. In order to feel more comoftable and shaped they can perform a breast uplifting. Male breast uplifting is also known as Gynecomastia surgery and is adviced for 18 years and older. Trying to solve the large breast problem with breast reduction excersizes may worsen the problem. Best candidates are men with obesity or overweight and try to correct the problem with excersizes. After the surgery you will have a elastic and firm skin that will reshape to the body’s new contrours.

Before Surgery

We highly recommend you to stop smoking as this will influence the healing process of the wound. Smoking after the surgery is not permitted for the same reason as mentioned above. Medication could also affect the healing process. Medication such as aspirine and certain anti-inflammatory drugs prevent the blood from clotting, which is not good for the healing process. Ask your doctor about preoperative instructions with your medication.

The Surgery

There are two kinds of male breast reduction surgeries which take both 60-90 minutes. Both are in a general anaesthetic.

Large male breast reduction surgery is advised for clients who have a significant amount of chest fat and if the glandular tissue is enlarged. The surgeon removes the fat tissue with tumescent power assisted liposuction and performs an incision on the line of areaola, where the glanfular tissue will be removed.

Medium Gynekomastia surgery is advised for men who have excess fat tissue in the area of chest and the glandular tissue is not enlarged. Your skin has to be firm and elastic, to accept the loss of volume. On each side of your breast you will have 2–5 millimetres long scars.

After Surgery

If the surgeon applied a drain during the surgey, then it will be removed within 24 hours. The incisions will be covered with a light dressing and you must wear a special surgical supportive bra. This bra should be worn at all time (even when you sleep) for two to three weeks.

You are not allowed to sleep on the abdomen for a period of five weeks. Within a few days after the surgery you can shower. Your surgeon will give you further instructions how to exchange the dressing. We strongly advice you to stay at your hotel for atleast for three weeks to take you for a free check up to the clinic, in order to keep see how your incisions recover.

After 2 weeks, the patient can return to everyday activities, avoiding strong physical efforts. Any bruising and swelling will usually dissipate within a month.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a good candidate for this surgery?

Men above the age of 18, who have a problem with big and saggy breasts are good candidates for this surgery. After the surgery you will have a elastic and firm skin that will reshape to the body’s new contrours.

Will this surgery remove my men breasts forever?
Will the scar be visible?
What about the aftercare?
How long the surgery lasts?


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