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Nose Reshaping Surgery

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) and Nose Tip surgery are for men and women who wish to change the shape of their nose according to their own desire. The surgery can also be performed to improve the breathing from the nose. The surgery is allowed for clients above 18 years old. Commonly the surgery takes around two to three hours to complet and is performed under general anaesthetic.

Before The Surgery

We highly recommend you to stop smoking as this will influence the healing process of the wound. Smoking after the surgery is not permitted for the same reason as mentioned above. Medication could also affect the healing process. Medication such as aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs prevent the blood from clotting, which is not good for the healing process. Ask your doctor about preoperative instructions with your medication. Another important factor is that the place should not have an active acné or wound.

The Surgery

Nose Tip Surgery
Nose tip surgery takes about 60 minutes and is performed under general anaesthesia. The surgeon modifies the cartilage in the tip of your nose, according to your wishes. The operation focuses on the soft parts of your nose. Dissolvable stitches are used at completion. As a result, it is not necessary to return to the surgeon in order to have the stitches removed. The stitches dissolve by itself and removing it yourself after the wound is healed should be avoided.

Rhinoplasty (nose job) takes about two hours and includes surgery on both soft and hard (bone) parts of your nose. It is performed under general anesthesia. Absorbable sutures are used in the nose upon completion, thus eliminating the need to avoid removal after healing.

After Surgery

After the surgery for both Rhinoplasty and Nose Tip surgery, a cotton dressing is introduced into the nasal nostrils (strips of greased muslins), which is removed on the second day after the surgery. While the cotton dressing is applied, breathing through the nose is impossible. Plaster splint is put on the nose that will stay for ten days to two weeks. The plaster splint could become loose as a result of reduces swelling. If this happens then the plaster splint should be replaced with a new one after a week. After two weeks the plaster splint is taken off, hoewever it is necessary to put it back on at night for at least another 14 nights so that the shape of the operated nose is not impaired and so that you cannot accidentally damage your nose whilst sleeping.

We recommend avoiding direct sunlight for at least eight weeks after the surgery and not to use cigarettes until the nose is fully recovered. You can present yourself in public within two weeks but keep in mind that swelling could prevent you from showing your nose publicly. You can do your daily exercise again in three or four weeks after the surgery. The final result will be seen in one or two months.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a good candidate for nose job surgery?

Nose surgery is suitable for men and women who wish to change the shape of their nose according to their own desire. The surgery can also be performed to improve the breathing from the nose. The surgery is allowed for clients above 18 years old.

How long does the surgery take?
Will nose job surgery effect my breathing?
What about the aftercare?
Is nose job surgery painful?


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